Dear Colleagues,
The Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology (HeSMO), decided to publish the accepted abstracts
for its annual Congress in a supplementary issue of our scientific journal, Forum of Clinical
Oncology (FCO).This was a pivotal decision, highlighting the important role of FCO in promoting
the scientific activity of the society. Hopefully, this relationship will be further reinforced and such
issues will accompany all future HeSMO congresses as well. In this issue there are accepted
abstracts for the 6 th Hellenic Conference of Oncology (6 th ESO), “Πιο γρήγορα Πιο ψηλά Πιο
δυνατά” (Citius, Altius, Fortius). This supplementary issue of FCO is dedicated to Prof. Nikolaos
Xenidis who passed away unexpectedly last September 2022 and he was one of the Presidents
of 6 th ESO Scientific Committee.
However, it should be noted that this was accomplished only due to the significant
contribution of scientists from several disciplines related to oncology. All have shared their
important work for the conference and also accepted the challenge to publish their abstracts in
this supplementary FCO issue, despite the significant time limitations and the additional
required workload. We are really thankful and we hope that this publication will further enhance
the dissemination of their work.
Since FCO was launched in 2010, as well as during its previous era under the Greek title
“Βήμα Κλινικής Ογκολογίας” eminent Greek Medical Oncologists have successfully led this
publication attempt of HeSMO. Concomitantly with this supplementary issue, a new issue of
FCO will be released. We hope that these two new releases could successfully continue the
tradition built so far.